Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day

You can QUILT it

You can STITCH it
You can COLOUR it 

You can PAINT it

You can COLLAGE it

You can CUT it 

Your can CARD it

Just make sure that you SAY it

Love from

 All images on this site are copyright Cyra Lewis 2012.
 All Rights Reserved

Saturday, February 4, 2012

CQJP January 2012

CQJP January Block
Just a few days after the end of January and I have my block at a good finish point for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project.
So this is the 9 inch completed block so far.
And here are a couple of close-up pics
In that last pic you can see I've added a piece of crochet to a seam. 
I have decided to create a piece of crochet lace (or maybe two or three pieces) for each of my blocks. Crochet is my 'other' passion, so it feels very natural to include my own crochet on the crazy blocks. Crochet pieces will be designed and made specifically for the cq block and staying within the colour scheme. That will make my blocks even more 'personal' to me.
I shall be adding a raised stitch butterfly to the centre fabric patch at some time in the future, but I want to have a few blocks at the completed stage so that I can stitch a few at a time for continuity throughout the 12 blocks. 
I'm not sure yet what form they will take. I've still got that part on the project design board.
I'm happy to have the first block of my CQJP done now, and I look forward to getting February's block started. I'm really enjoying the challenge of working on these blocks.
My stitching 'theme' is not entirely traditional looking. I am trying to incorporate a more geometric look to the blocks as I don't want to go too 'flowery' with them (although a flower or two did pop up on this block, lol)
I love experimenting with pattern, line, shape and form.
That's all for now folks!!

Happy Stitching